An exploration of church and society produced by the United Lutheran Seminary with campuses in Gettysburg and Philadelphia, PA.

Monday Jul 17, 2023
Travel in Conflict: Israeli/Palestinian conflict Perspective
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Pastor Richard Michael and his wife Bonnie McCourt talk about their most recent travel to the Holy Land which he was co-leader. This was his 11th tour. Both share the benefits of taking such a tour which included reading the scriptures through a new lens and changing one’s world view. Richard discusses his change from a total pro-Israeli perspective to one in which he has been open to hear and listen to the Palestinian vices. Both describe the plight of Palestinian workers and Palestinian families. Both Richard and Bonnie share the importance of listening with discernment to the reporting of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict from the media. They include suggestions for listeners preparing to visit the Middle East. In addition, they share suggestions for those listeners who are not planning to travel there but would like a more informed perspective of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.